Yo dawg, I heard you like abundance so I put abundance on your abundance so you can have more abundance.

 Growing up I've learned that the idea of Abundance is to have lots and lots of Money.

The more money you have = more things you can buy.

The more things you have = more happiness and therefore the feeling of "Abundance". 

Makes perfect sense, right? Sure. 

But is it really all this world has to offer? That's the million dollar question. 

I think in many ways, we have become numb towards money. In fact, money can be our triggers and source of fear (btw, if you want to work on your fear of money, try Pyrites). We worry not having enough money; losing money; and often have tied our entire self-worth based on how much money we possess. 

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not out here trying to be a noble-saint-ass telling you to "detach from money" or calling "money is the root of all evil". No. I love money, and I think we can all agree that we need money to survive in present day human society (we're the only species on this planet that has to pay to survive, lol, just saying). 

So, what other flavors besides money can we invite into our lives to experience Abundance? Below is five expressions of Abundance that I've tried and tested with results:

1. The abundance of Money

This one is obvious and we've probably all been chasing it mindlessly our entire lives so I won't dwell on it. One thing I will say though, is I've learned that Money is an exchange of energy. To get more money, you need to find ways to create value and exchange that into your world for money.

2. The abundance of giving and receiving

This is being in a position to gift others so they can do what they need to do; when they need to do it. In exchange you will receive gratitude which carries the highest vibrational energy. It's also allowing yourself to receive from others; so you can do what you need to do when you need to do it. Be mindful of that voice in your head that tells you how you're not worthy to receive good things/help from others - you're worthy!

3. The abundance of Synchronicity

Ever experienced "the perfect coincidence"? Yeah, that. It's that feeling when things just fall into places at the exact right moment. It might be a person you meet at the right time that opens new doors for you or things that happens to you that allows you to do what you need to do right at the moment that you needed to do it. Synchronicity is real and it's happening all the time. 

4. The abundance of Trade

Aside from trading materialistic things (eg Bartering), I think the idea of trade also includes how you trade your Time (which is your biggest asset, btw). Choose to create meaningful experience for yourself every single moment. Trade your time more intently to create more feelings of abundance for yourself. Every single moment make decisions based on what you're most passionate about and commit yourself to the moment fully. 

5. The abundance of your Imagination

Your imagination is the key that will open doors to all your Desires. I'm talking about Desire with capital "D", not desire with the little d. Little d's are forms of escapism, such as alcohol, drugs, sex, gossip etc. Small d's are things you do to drown out your existential dread. I'm talking BIG D desire. The Desires that makes your soul vibe. Through your imagination you can literally create anything for yourself. Imagine the best version of yourself. What and how would that version of you be living their life? Now that you've imagined it, start doing what that version of yourself would do. Whether it's drinking more water or just standing up every once in a while to step outside for fresh air. Start small and gradually slip into the habit of becoming that version of yourself. You'll notice as you start to do things and think differently, your entire life will shift. That's the abundance of your imagination and there isn't a limit on what it can do.

Congratulations. After reading about the five types of Abundance you've now invited it into your consciousness. The experience of Abundance isn't a single "thing" or "experience" it is a combination of the above that forms the whole. 

Now go and TRY! Try it out and prove me wrong. What have you got to lose? 




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