What's the deal with Crystals?
We humans have an intimate relationship with Crystals.
From our ancestors who have carved Obsidians to make weapons to fend off Saber Tooth Tigers; to Ancient Civilizations such as the Egyptians who built Pyramids with Crystals and the Atlanteans who have used Crystals as a power source.
Present day humans (us!) are also obsessed with Crystals. We use it in our technology (eg LED screens), our Fashion (eg Quartz watch) and last but not least, as Spiritual Allies on our journey to self healing.
We all love and adore Crystals, but have you ever wondered what a Crystal actually is and why are we so drawn to it?
Lucky for you because I've nerd out on this question and I think I have an answer for you...
First of all, let's get the definition of a Crystal straight:
A Crystal is a solid whose molecular structure is highly ordered and repetitive to form a Crystal lattice. Think of the Crystal lattice as the "DNA" of the Crystal because it determines how and what shape the Crystal grows in.
For example, a Pyrite has a cubic Crystal lattice (see pic below) and that's why it shows up as those perfectly square cubes that we love. Likewise, a Quartz Crystal has a hexagonal Crystal lattice, so it has a hexagonal shape.

(PS. Interesting thing to note here, is that the geometric shapes found in the Crystal lattice are also the shapes we find in Sacred Geometry. Coincidence? I'll let you on ponder on that.)
So the shape of the Crystal is determined by it's lattice structure...but what makes it grow? It's defects. The defects in the otherwise perfect geometric lattice structure is what makes the Crystal grow. Without the the defects, we would just get perfect, seamlessly smooth Crystal points. However, when a defect occurs in the Crystal's lattice structure, it opens up rooms for new molecules to attach to the defect surface. From there, new Crystal points would start to develop according to the Crystal's DNA (ie lattice structure).
Defects aside, there's also impurities that comes into effect during the formation of the Crystal. Impurities in this context are elements (eg Iron, Sulphur etc) that imbues within the Crystal's lattice structure to give it's color and texture.
For example, the soothing Purple of the Amethyst comes from the Iron within it.
The perfect lattice structure, the defects, and the impurities combined together is what forms a Crystal. When you find yourself drawn to a piece of Crystal, what is pulling you in is the perfectly imperfect combination of circumstances that emits the irresistible beauty. That "Perfect Sparkle" that makes your heart smiles. That feeling you feel inside of you is the energy and power of a Crystal.
Don't you think that's a beautiful analogy of us humans?
Like the Crystals, we have DNA that determines our features and structure. But it is through our imperfection (eg mistakes, errors etc) that we grow from. Without the defects, we would not be who we are.
Be like the Crystal. Own and fully embrace every aspect of yourself, because you are exceptional just the like Crystals.